Production and Shipments of Machine Tool Accessory【Monthly】
Production and Shipments of Machine Tool Accessory【Monthly】(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | |
December | 11,154,321 | 131 | 11,736,694 | 131 | DETAIL |
November | 10,557,156 | 124 | 11,117,819 | 123 | DETAIL |
October | 10,653,018 | 129 | 11,343,317 | 127 | DETAIL |
September | 10,585,739 | 127 | 11,232,606 | 121 | DETAIL |
August | 8,900,060 | 113 | 9,459,178 | 111 | DETAIL |
July | 10,476,664 | 120 | 11,060,749 | 116 | DETAIL |
June | 10,491,956 | 129 | 10,763,598 | 124 | DETAIL |
May | 9,971,785 | 136 | 10,372,094 | 132 | DETAIL |
April | 9,586,802 | 138 | 10,187,524 | 136 | DETAIL |
March | 9,626,766 | 139 | 10,251,982 | 135 | DETAIL |
February | 8,873,804 | 134 | 9,454,408 | 134 | DETAIL |
January | 8,022,384 | 131 | 8,623,702 | 136 | DETAIL |
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to theyear earlier | |
December | 8,501,568 | 113 | 8,955,121 | 136 | DETAIL |
November | 8,494,416 | 118 | 9,032,868 | 123 | DETAIL |
October | 8,286,573 | 110 | 8,904,653 | 115 | DETAIL |
September | 8,363,240 | 98 | 9,306,091 | 105 | DETAIL |
August | 7,872,543 | 94 | 8,517,863 | 99 | DETAIL |
July | 8,728,663 | 90 | 9,564,104 | 97 | DETAIL |
June | 8,135,799 | 75 | 8,682,437 | 80 | DETAIL |
May | 7,350,299 | 66 | 7,875,047 | 69 | DETAIL |
April | 8,363,240 | 98 | 9,306,091 | 106 | DETAIL |
March | 6,920,637 | 50 | 7,611,723 | 53 | DETAIL |
February | 6,624,380 | 49 | 7,081,057 | 51 | DETAIL |
January | 6,143,165 | 49 | 6,351,894 | 50 | DETAIL |
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to theyear earlier | |
December | 6,505,998 | 46 | 6,578,934 | 46 | DETAIL |
November | 7,187,452 | 52 | 7,357,050 | 51 | DETAIL |
October | 7,554,774 | 56 | 7,712,744 | 55 | DETAIL |
September | 8,526,561 | 64 | 8,799,765 | 64 | DETAIL |
August | 8,362,068 | 68 | 8,602,413 | 67 | DETAIL |
July | 9,693,099 | 78 | 9,809,761 | 75 | DETAIL |
June | 10,804,423 | 86 | 10,830,665 | 83 | DETAIL |
May | 11,205,855 | 102 | 11,492,959 | 100 | DETAIL |
April | 12,357,096 | 108 | 12,594,165 | 107 | DETAIL |
March | 13,960,002 | 119 | 14,396,810 | 116 | DETAIL |
February | 13,620,213 | 128 | 13,915,307 | 124 | DETAIL |
January | 12,535,104 | 134 | 12,819,616 | 129 | DETAIL |
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to theyear earlier | |
December | 14,139,878 | 144 | 14,256,346 | 139 | DETAIL |
November | 13,842,611 | 143 | 14,307,307 | 142 | DETAIL |
October | 13,521,116 | 146 | 14,001,475 | 145 | DETAIL |
September | 13,243,850 | 144 | 13,766,917 | 140 | DETAIL |
August | 12,266,547 | 146 | 12,874,833 | 146 | DETAIL |
July | 12,432,360 | 138 | 13,054,344 | 139 | DETAIL |
June | 12,522,246 | 137 | 13,508,390 | 140 | DETAIL |
May | 10,999,505 | 131 | 11,504,377 | 135 | DETAIL |
April | 11,397,605 | 131 | 11,759,460 | 130 | DETAIL |
March | 11,761,916 | 133 | 12,434,041 | 128 | DETAIL |
February | 10,608,053 | 127 | 11,220,770 | 128 | DETAIL |
January | 9,386,426 | 121 | 9,919,907 | 122 | DETAIL |