Production and Shipments of Machine tool Accessory
on April, 2001
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Shipments Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 3,235,464 1,644,324 92 3,205,230 1,610,975 93
Ball Screws 99,619 2,944,333 127 98,757 3,073,865 125
Liner motion guides 393,365 3,506,105 100 393,407 3,561,579 99
Spindles 784 161,761 122 775 169,908 122
Other Elements 4,377 18,161 184 3,963 14,590 215
Subtotal 3,733,609 8,274,684 107 3,702,132 8,430,917 106
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 2,255 123,986 120 2,025 127,493 120
Power Operated Chucks 10,079 528,019 120 9,635 483,825 120
Special Design Chucks 125 25,844 168 97 27,592 214
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 1,535 128,759 69 1,817 176,985 115
Live Centers 1,024 33,789 74 1,483 38,931 98
Other Work Holding Devices 3,531 167,686 101 5,016 173,930 135
Subtotal 18,549 1,008,083 105 20,073 1,028,756 122
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 40,844 333,813 104 40,818 342,949 99
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 101,771 912,654 105 93,121 853,506 100
Tool Holders for lathers 897 18,868 142 1,061 22,146 155
Tool Holders for special purpose 3,866 30,542 75 4,382 34,466 69
Other Tool Holders 10,821 77,448 78 9,420 73,752 69
Subtotal 158,199 1,373,325 102 148,802 1,326,819 97
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 840 739,355 137 821 707,873 122
Machine Vice 1,850 180,795 216 1,533 130,614 100
Other Attached equipments 1,175 14,577 69 1,196 17,976 57
Other Accessories 27,679 766,277 110 29,598 951,210 109
Subtotal 31,544 1,701,004 127 33,148 1,807,673 112
T o t a l   12,357,096 108   12,594,165 107