Production and Shipments of Machine Accessory
on August, 2003
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Shipments Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 2,352,618 1,355,196 108 2,354,038 1,383,596 104
Ball Screws 101,141 1,849,217 118 101,353 1,965,265 118
Liner motion guides 256,836 2,485,951 109 258,838 2,603,056 109
Spindles 645 111,290 128 641 114,687 126
Other Elements 967 6,567 269 868 5,012 105
Subtotal 2,712,207 5,808,221 112 2,715,738 6,071,616 111
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 1,299 89,528 152 1,443 81,916 105
Power Operated Chucks 9,597 514,029 133 9,675 518,300 124
Special Design Chucks 89 32,566 131 91 27,508 126
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 1,663 117,898 119 1,871 153,762 117
Live Centers 967 32,692 78 1,217 33,791 115
Other Work Holding Devices 1,691 89,021 130 1,707 87,032 121
Subtotal 15,306 875,734 129 16,004 902,309 120
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 30,266 261,503 105 29,855 253,444 102
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 63,760 589,783 119 68,305 626,463 106
Tool Holders for lathers 470 10,730 155 499 10,977 128
Tool Holders for special purpose 3,676 28,499 111 4,771 36,332 116
Other Tool Holders 5,759 59,922 112 6,141 61,497 108
Subtotal 103,931 950,437 115 109,571 988,713 105
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 673 594,962 114 660 614,031 128
Machine Vice 1,009 96,637 165 833 87,841 148
Other Attached equipments 945 18,696 291 973 19,111 255
Other Accessories 18,572 555,373 94 19,330 775,557 95
Subtotal 21,199 1,265,668 107 21,796 1,496,540 110
T o t a l   8,900,060 113   9,459,178 111