The Japan Machine Accessory Association (JMAA) conducts surveys on production and distribution, conducts research on technologies and safety issues, and facilitates standardization of equipment used in industrial machinery such as metalworking machines, non-metalworking machines, and so on, so that the machine tool industry in Japan may be further developed, while contributing to the growth of the economy and the national standard of living.
History of Association
Regular Member: Basic fee and supplementary fee make up the total annual fee, and a quarter of an annual fee amount shall be paid at the beginning of the term.
Standards Related Machine Tools Equipment
The standard related to machine tools and equipment comprise the JMAA’s standards (TES), the Japanese industrial standards (JIS) and the international standards (ISO). The TES standard (Tooling and Equipment Standard) are the industries’ standards established by the producers’ committee members of the JMAA.
The related JIS standards have been established through the prescribed procedures since the drafts were submitted to the METI’s Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau, with JMAA becoming the drafting body including users and neutral members as the drafting committee members for multiple deliberations.
As for ISO, JMAA, becoming the domestic deliberative body of the several subcommittees (SC) etc., is engaged in preparing and revising the drafts of the international standards (ISO). JMAA is currently promoting rationalization of the international standards in cooperation with the Japanese Standards Association.
Acquisition of Standards
For the JMAA standards (TES), please contact JMAA by fax or by e-mail.