Production and Shipments of Machine Tool Accessory【Half Year】
Production and Shipments of Machine Tool Accessory【Half Year】(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | |
Jul,-Dec, | 62,326,958 | 124 | 65,950,363 | 121 | DETAIL |
Jan,-Jun, | 56,573,497 | 134 | 59,653,308 | 132 | DETAIL |
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | |
Jul,-Dec, | 50,247,003 | 105 | 54,280,700 | 111 | DETAIL |
Jan,-Jun, | 42,134,479 | 57 | 45,107,325 | 59 | DETAIL |
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | |
Jul,-Dec, | 47,829,952 | 60 | 48,860,667 | 59 | DETAIL |
Jan,-Jun, | 74,482,693 | 112 | 76,049,522 | 109 | DETAIL |
Period | Production Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | Sales Value | Comparison (%) to the year earlier | |
Jul,-Dec, | 79,446,362 | 143 | 82,261,222 | 142 | DETAIL |
Jan,-Jun, | 66,675,751 | 130 | 69,896,945 | 131 | DETAIL |