Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
on April,2011
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
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Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 2,268,197 1,371,625 108 2,234,874 1,374,525 108
Ball Screws 127,203 3,462,472 143 133,261 3,779,125 142
Liner motion guides 751,028 5,527,222 136 717,365 5,752,127 130
Spindles 339 111,986 188 359 121,022 188
Coupling 174,582 560,623 136 161,446 487,832 127
Other Elements 849 7,690 146 779 7,915 126
Subtotal 3,322,198 11,041,618 134 3,248,084 11,522,546 131
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 1,268 135,393 139 1,250 147,424 125
Power Operated Chucks 8,690 758,121 175 8,872 605,906 146
Special Design Chucks 97 29,466 122 121 63,667 258
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 2,514 229,167 259 2,999 262,368 190
Live Centers 853 31,345 132 1,119 41,853 120
Other Work Holding Devices 3,146 165,645 355 2,316 114,149 173
Subtotal 16,568 1,349,137 189 16,677 1,235,367 155
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 20,573 134,425 160 21,317 119,807 128
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 114,767 1,022,347 140 137,243 1,142,158 143
Tool Holders for lathers 586 13,295 176 829 13,572 138
Tool Holders for special purpose 2,215 21,303 131 2,94127,197 136
Other Tool Holders 8,738 85,170 131 9,561 89,933 137
Subtotal 146,879 1,276,540 142 171,891 1,392,667 141
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 1,490 1,293,063 138 1,512 1,178,550 143
Machine Vice 369 47,744 186 552 77,104 106
Other Attached equipment 8,379 139,589 137 8,451 141,586 139
Other Accessories 24,932 750,985 169 40,408 907,037 115
Subtotal 35,170 2,231,381 148 50,923 2,304,277 129
T o t a l   15,898,676 140   16,454,857 133
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.