Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
for January to March, 2011
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 7,902,516 4,424,144 116 7,905,412 4,450,391 116
Ball Screws 366,226 9,747,918 153 386,314 10,674,463 153
Liner motion guides 2,161,365 15,770,220 156 2,027,629 15,937,335 146
Spindles 1,014 319,184 207 1,082 342,289 209
Coupling 595,315 1,443,509 131 577,117 1,342,670 133
Other Elements 3,013 24,277 140 2,752 24,411 138
Subtotal 11,029,449 31,729,252 147 10,900,306 32,771,559 143
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 3,183 313,935 106 3,336 379,938 121
Power Operated Chucks 24,901 2,058,867 178 24,821 1,781,166 167
Special Design Chucks 202 58,082 113 290 117,225 174
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 7,208 608,360 258 7,555 659,553 227
Live Centers 2,567 78,740 99 3,508 118,521 122
Other Work Holding Devices 6,431 439,760 144 6,563 397,732 148
Subtotal 44,492 3,557,744 167 46,073 3,454,135 164
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 46,197 293,094 143 53,708 320,973 124
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 296,984 2,719,349 198 315,188 2,749,184 131
Tool Holders for lathers 1,456 29,354 160 1,970 48,824 169
Tool Holders for special purpose 6,595 64,169 133 7,413 67,991 116
Other Tool Holders 24,719 256,461 141 25,234 258,596 138
Subtotal 375,951 3,362,427 184 403,513 3,445,568 131
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 4,982 4,052,969 180 7,474 3,910,229 188
Machine Vice 1,027 129,613 213 1,846 282,377 140
Other Attached equipment 20,549 385,646 156 20,684 390,445 162
Other Accessories 73,506 2,180,106 160 93,421 2,641,748 120
Subtotal 100,064 6,748,334 172 123,425 7,224,799 153
T o t a l   45,397,757 154   46,896,061 145
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.