Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
for April to September, 2010
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 13,942,253 8,643,442 176 14,529,711 8,666,992 169
Ball Screws 637,041 16,001,262 286 680,541 17,566,498 289
Liner motion guides 3,643,963 26,777,078 281 3,872,472 28,734,216 264
Spindles 1,499 457,686 231 1,591 494,840 236
Coupling 1,039,961 2,767,145 240 994,219 2,515,961 246
Other Elements 7,399 55,949 175 6,873 60,014 181
Subtotal 19,272,116 54,702,562 255 20,085,407 58,038,521 249
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 5,425 601,591 101 5,631 663,456 103
Power Operated Chucks 39,833 3,105,373 218 39,978 2,745,229 211
Special Design Chucks 543 142,690 272 654 217,116 161
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 10,826 839,457 436 10,818 960,748 336
Live Centers 4,833 147,870 106 5,857 205,962 168
Other Work Holding Devices 11,631 615,451 112 11,180 572,067 95
Subtotal 73,091 5,452,432 185 74,118 5,364,578 173
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 74,155 516,400 159 83,969 540,901 146
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 548,643 4,889,925 258 612,602 5,201,762 198
Tool Holders for lathers 2,003 42,388 142 3,158 69,839 156
Tool Holders for special purpose 11,203 94,978 176 14,085 113,153 143
Other Tool Holders 37,491 387,618 166 40,813 401,070 152
Subtotal 673,495 5,931,309 234 754,627 6,326,725 187
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 6,738 5,840,875 298 6,893 5,394,459 283
Machine Vice 1,947 229,830 148 2,937 465,311 246
Other Attached equipment 38,925 811,506 177 39,495 780,447 177
Other Accessories 156,003 3,403,200 181 171,035 5,375,610 230
Subtotal 203,613 10,285,411 231 220,360 12,015,827 247
T o t a l   76,371,714 244   81,745,651 236
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.