Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
on August, 2005
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 2,857,856 1,713,559 106 3,053,809 1,792,776 103
Ball Screws 90,736 2,819,807 100 97,559 3,088,228 103
Liner motion guides 485,205 4,304,637 83 503,766 4,509,939 92
Spindles 750 152,436 140 781 165,121 146
Coupling 137,370 453,062   128,391 363,360  
Other Elements 3,062 9,290 93 1,500 8,876 77
Subtotal 3,574,979 9,452,791 97 3,785,806 9,928,300 102
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 1,787 127,506 136 1,797 134,690 107
Power Operated Chucks 12,490 829,143 136 11,659 743,693 120
Special Design Chucks 123 32,941 124 146 53,830 116
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 3,163 251,253 158 2,908 269,838 119
Live Centers 2,013 52,164 119 1,765 46,487 109
Other Work Holding Devices 4,254 209,177 133 3,429 172,797 114
Subtotal 23,830 1,502,184 138 21,704 1,421,335 117
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 25,221 202,114 109 25,028 207,767 112
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 112,270 1,190,520 119 116,204 1,209,420 109
Tool Holders for lathers 1,054 26,303 245 829 20,601 179
Tool Holders for special purpose 4,518 36,203 120 4,942 38,458 116
Other Tool Holders 9,472 107,162 101 12,227 123,581 117
Subtotal 152,535 1,562,302 117 159,230 1,599,827 111
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 1,017 1,025,344 113 1,003 1,030,221 107
Machine Vice 1,605 187,684 111 1,484 201,299 107
Other Attached equipments 4,824 157,518 90 5,121 161,856 92
Other Accessories 18,130 971,978 107 39,519 1,198,550 113
Subtotal 25,576 2,342,524 108 47,127 2,591,926 109
T o t a l   14,859,801 104   15,541,388 105
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.