Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
on April, 2005
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 2,836,043 1,765,101 105 2,935,944 1,787,011 103
Ball Screws 87,684 2,944,055 110 93,884 3,242,259 115
Liner motion guides 518,007 4,498,184 91 511,715 4,711,063 93
Spindles 504 134,768 119 534 147,581 126
Coupling 94,590 333,025   87,065 287,941  
Other Elements 1,290 7,788 91 975 5,016 73
Subtotal 3,538,118 9,682,921 103 3,630,117 10,180,871 104
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 1,726 125,962 111 1,828 133,722 122
Power Operated Chucks 11,577 803,685 127 11,194 781,868 133
Special Design Chucks 117 20,989 67 160 53,744 98
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 2,733 212,527 131 2,769 244,608 126
Live Centers 1,838 57,121 118 1,865 49,867 107
Other Work Holding Devices 4,013 237,905 161 3,826 214,382 172
Subtotal 22,004 1,458,189 129 21,642 1,478,191 132
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 28,653 216,408 111 27,622 220,714 112
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 149,660 1,289,514 121 120,465 1,263,814 116
Tool Holders for lathers 804 20,569 128 941 22,304 132
Tool Holders for special purpose 3,629 30,793 100 4,484 35,544 96
Other Tool Holders 15,358 146,223 113 17,762 154,316 133
Subtotal 198,104 1,703,507 118 171,274 1,696,692 117
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 1,059 1,078,596 122 1,043 1,070,124 116
Machine Vice 1,568 177,718 165 1,527 137,966 73
Other Attached equipments 4,516 243,754 110 5,027 250,903 114
Other Accessories 48,111 1,013,859 99 41,302 1,202,838 103
Subtotal 55,254 2,513,927 112 48,899 2,661,831 107
T o t a l   15,358,544 108   16,017,585 108
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.