Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
for January to December, 2005
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 33,922,059 21,323,562 106 34,848,593 21,909,815 104
Ball Screws 1,143,330 36,059,882 104 1,224,330 39,634,249 108
Liner motion guides 6,313,009 54,395,938 94 6,272,465 56,284,542 95
Spindles 6,699 1,739,305 119 7,147 1,886,286 123
Coupling 1,188,901 3,862,051   1,134,553 3,282,369  
Other Elements 24,752 103,467 105 23,585 107,151 106
Subtotal 42,598,750 117,484,205 103 43,510,673 123,104,412 104
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 21,291 1,632,272 122 22,519 1,715,331 120
Power Operated Chucks 144,764 9,477,502 122 140,026 8,808,571 119
Special Design Chucks 1,566 538,610 131 1,708 757,918 123
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 35,043 2,815,255 132 33,943 3,148,503 124
Live Centers 23,409 672,643 122 20,148 559,982 111
Other Work Holding Devices 45,033 2,451,515 134 44,061 2,311,394 133
Subtotal 271,106 17,587,797 125 262,405 17,301,699 121
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 328,900 2,659,317 110 311,241 2,598,322 107
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 1,533,425 15,402,415 120 1,411,366 14,627,894 113
Tool Holders for lathers 10,829 270,514 152 10,740 260,038 147
Tool Holders for special purpose 51,800 440,209 118 60,867 495,635 111
Other Tool Holders 155,294 1,477,397 113 158,300 1,475,273 111
Subtotal 2,080,248 20,249,852 118 1,952,514 19,457,162 112
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 12,455 12,266,100 114 12,398 12,647,726 117
Machine Vice 18,731 2,162,122 103 18,794 2,535,896 107
Other Attached equipments 54,412 2,121,219 112 55,271 2,132,503 113
Other Accessories 434,421 12,260,314 105 458,423 14,069,087 107
Subtotal 520,019 28,809,755 109 544,886 31,385,212 111
T o t a l   184,131,609 107   191,248,485 107
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production, and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production, and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.