Production and Shipments of Machine Tool Accessory
for October, 2000 to March, 2001
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Shipments Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 16,910,301 10,585,950 107 16,630,696 10,445,186 104
Ball Screws 619,157 17,649,618 145 620,322 18,543,299 144
Liner motion guides 3,170,252 27,178,812 153 3,168,366 27,659,779 153
Spindles 3,874 877,473 131 3,880 920,597 130
Other Elements 14,004 70,108 186 14,796 77,308 194
Subtotal 20,717,588 56,361,961 139 20,438,060 57,646,169 138
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 18,458 761,486 134 18,045 853,443 124
Power Operated Chucks 55,908 3,033,427 132 57,957 2,813,218 125
Special Design Chucks 738 178,567 116 727 182,462 131
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 13,311 1,052,626 116 12,570 1,114,419 121
Live Centers 11,250 285,948 147 10,635 272,744 130
Other Work Holding Devices 34,952 1,234,183 124 26,516 1,140,390 120
Subtotal 134,617 6,546,237 128 126,450 6,376,676 123
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 223,790 1,879,890 100 230,730 1,951,884 99
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 580,404 5,480,862 129 554,565 5,048,477 114
Tool Holders for lathers 4,245 101,132 157 4,420 94,775 148
Tool Holders for special purpose 31,051 233,570 113 33,513 249,233 100
Other Tool Holders 87,685 714,894 108 85,850 707,767 107
Subtotal 927,175 8,410,348 119 909,078 8,052,136 109
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 4,892 3,893,344 128 4,980 4,062,039 136
Machine Vice 11,453 1,153,040 230 10,315 1,006,174 152
Other Attached equipments 5,145 72,624 110 5,528 87,280 111
Other Accessories 175,165 5,181,370 123 189,487 6,466,387 118
Subtotal 196,655 10,300,378 132 210,310 11,621,880 126
T o t a l   81,618,924 135   83,696,861 132