Production and Shipments of Machine tool Accessories
for October to December, 1999
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 6,425,861 4,681,719 112 6,227,056 4,758,165 112
Ball Screws 208,047 5,795,815 129 209,525 6,118,721 133
Liner motion guides 983,404 8,282,327 119 984,512 8,485,947 119
Spindles 1,735 319,515 108 1,779 334,787 107
Other Elements 3,167 16,430 201 3,252 17,019 163
Subtotal 7,622,214 19,095,806 120 7,426,124 19,714,639 121
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 7,768 256,505 64 7,621 293,019 75
Power Operated Chucks 22,130 1,123,188 90 21,770 1,074,576 90
Special Design Chucks 253 81,051 107 244 68,479 98
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 4,939 437,053 79 4,375 405,023 78
Live Centers 3,543 93,014 88 4,144 98,700 106
Other Work Holding Devices 12,320 463,418 143 12,117 403,906 107
Subtotal 50,953 2,454,229 90 50,271 2,343,703 89
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 151,591 957,248 89 150,653 987,134 91
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 240,326 2,143,947 71 256,157 2,246,125 88
Tool Holders for lathers 1,301 27,643 37 1,075 23,892 29
Tool Holders for special purpose 14,628 117,451 67 16,973 134,846 84
Other Tool Holders 42,880 368,346 106 41,939 361,041 115
Subtotal 450,726 3,614,635 77 466,797 3,753,038 90
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 2,038 1,481,812 88 1,953 1,376,248 91
Machine Vice 2,405 215,166 78 3,131 279,803 130
Other Attached equipments 2,933 37,752 32 2,751 39,519 41
Other Accessories 141,274 1,876,959 98 61,522 2,486,293 106
Subtotal 148,650 3,611,689 91 69,357 4,181,863 100
T o t a l   28,776,359 105   29,993,243 110