Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
for April, 2011to March, 2012
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 36,708,097 17,899,996 101 36,241,218 17,873,316 101
Ball Screws 1,298,531 38,000,191 108 1,370,450 41,632,038 108
Liner motion guides 7,129,921 53,984,913 93 6,880,757 55,558,507 92
Spindles 3,774 1,282,127 123 4,018 1,379,952 123
Coupling 1,974,591 5,627,233 100 1,877,648 5,080,480 99
Other Elements 10,107 77,824 73 9,721 79,506 74
Subtotal 47,125,021 116,872,284 99 46,383,812 121,603,799 99
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 12,348 1,369,974 109 12,971 1,567,187 109
Power Operated Chucks 103,501 9,512,983 134 101,280 7,975,126 128
Special Design Chucks 1,256 396,480 135 1,303 641,618 150
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 32,534 2,868,715 142 31,344 2,836,240 128
Live Centers 12,524 384,637 123 14,237 514,145 116
Other Work Holding Devices 26,522 1,935,354 133 26,751 1,778,421 133
Subtotal 188,685 16,468,143 132 187,886 15,312,737 127
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 224,026 1,376,071 127 228,705 1,370,716 118
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 1,340,262 12,336,054 118 1,385,089 11,918,062 113
Tool Holders for lathers 8,944 195,037 178 10,786 195,199 116
Tool Holders for special purpose 22,358 208,555 98 28,701 253,264 98
Other Tool Holders 99,538 915,527 103 105,806 947,235 106
Subtotal 1,695,128 15,031,244 118 1,759,087 14,684,476 113
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 19,931 16,299,304 120 18,187 15,588,507 123
Machine Vice 5,883 821,634 155 6,312 944,127 94
Other Attached equipment 156,443 1,912,496 120 163,373 1,937,367 124
Other Accessories 353,316 9,415,507 126 396,062 11,106,887 102
Subtotal 535,573 28,448,941 122 583,934 29,576,888 113
T o t a l   176,820,612 106   181,177,900 104
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.