Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
for Apr,-Sep,2011
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 18,122,772 9,047,013 105 18,293,412 9,054,567 104
Ball Screws 751,398 21,054,866 132 788,099 23,095,458 131
Liner motion guides 4,298,459 31,869,847 119 4,154,481 32,894,986 114
Spindles 1,837 642,028 140 1,977 690,778 140
Coupling 1,005,224 3,009,169 109 956,569 2,731,507 109
Other Elements 6,545 51,224 92 5,958 51,561 86
Subtotal 24,186,235 65,674,147 120 24,200,496 68,518,857 118
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 6,406 653,306 109 6,297 772,696 116
Power Operated Chucks 52,806 4,752,141 153 51,317 3,980,992 145
Special Design Chucks 516 194,237 136 597 319,633 147
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 16,323 1,444,645 172 16,528 1,468,966 153
Live Centers 6,042 184,832 125 7,112 250,972 122
Other Work Holding Devices 13,946 984,788 160 13,975 904,564 158
Subtotal 96,039 8,213,949 151 95,826 7,697,823 143
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 110,061 656,084 127 110,497 640,075 118
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 669,676 6,275,547 128 698,962 6,128,717 118
Tool Holders for lathers 4,461 98,871 233 5,488 99,031 142
Tool Holders for special purpose 10,561 96,711 102 13,676 119,552 106
Other Tool Holders 52,220 475,354 123 51,856 471,048 117
Subtotal 846,979 7,602,567 128 880,479 7,458,423 118
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 9,502 8,153,133 140 9,480 7,754,095 144
Machine Vice 2,350 353,070 154 3,035 434,016 93
Other Attached equipment 83,514 1,003,275 124 84,030 1,005,732 129
Other Accessories 167,456 4,807,468 141 203,149 5,653,526 105
Subtotal 262,822 14,316,946 139 299,694 14,847,369 124
T o t a l 95,807,609 125 98,522,472 121
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.