Production and Sales of Machine tool Accessory
on February,2012
(Value in Thousands of Yen)
Production Comparison (%) to the year earlier Sales Comparison (%) to the year earlier
Quantity Value Quantity Value
Elements Clutchs & Brakes 2,903,814 1,494,361 101 2,941,796 1,515,395 102
Ball Screws 85,456 2,580,923 82 89,644 2,809,849 81
Liner motion guides 459,637 3,603,999 69 456,961 3,748,845 71
Spindles 370 107,058 104 398 115,985 106
Coupling 173,488 450,342 86 164,423 399,827 87
Other Elements 557 4,096 48 554 4,195 48
Subtotal 3,623,322 8,240,779 79 3,653,776 8,594,096 80
Work Holding
Hand Operated Chucks 1,082 120,019 119 1,179 131,375 97
Power Operated Chucks 7,883 759,779 117 7,987 666,802 113
Special Design Chucks 167 55,621 - 129 75,423 239
Actuators for Power Operated Chucks 2,254 206,167 106 2,573 255,104 108
Live Centers 829 27,232 97 1,127 42,490 106
Other Work Holding Devices 2,369177,231 117 1,991 155,490 112
Subtotal 14,584 1,346,049 120 14,986 1,326,684 113
Tool Holders General purpose Tool Holders 20,250 117,577 112 21,733 129,841 120
Tool Holders for NC machine tools 114,568 1,017,546 104 114,268 975,826 105
Tool Holders for lathers 923 18,211 150 823 15,219 87
Tool Holders for special purpose 2,443 17,749 87 3,425 22,719 104
Other Tool Holders 8,552 80,550 89 11,278 94,554 109
Subtotal 146,736 1,251,633 104 151,527 1,238,159 109
Attachments and
Attachments for indexing 2,171 1,336,438 98 1,448 1,317,157 100
Machine Vice 724 80,141 201 668 108,219 119
Other Attached equipment 13,400 152,312 99 14,066 163,448 108
Other Accessories 31,113 779,862 110 30,588 933,364 109
Subtotal 47,408 2,348,753 103 46,770 2,522,188 104
T o t a l   13,187,214 87   13,681,127 88
Although considered as the factory-shipments price about the amount of production,and the amount of shipment, it will change into the amount of production,and the amount of sales from January, 2004, and both producer-sellingprices or contract prices will estimate, and it will enter.